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Cantilevers in Utrecht along the Oude Gracht (odd numbers) · 3564 dagen geleden by Ad van den Ende

Sun and moon Oude Gracht 21
By her beams the sun overcomes the moon every day. The moon is beating the retreat.

Peace of Munster Oude Gracht 33
The Peace of Westphalia was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster. These treaties ended the Thirty Years’ War. It was a landmark treaty for the Dutch republic.

The old Buck Oude Gracht 47
An old buck also likes a green loaf.

Brewery “The world” Oude Gracht 57

The Red Lion Oude Gracht 65
The lion fights for his life. He stays with his back against the wall. He has spred out his mane. He is ready to strike with his right paw.

The Unicorrn Oude Gracht 71
The Unicorrn is dancing with a young girl (on the left) and an adult wife (on the right).

The Unicorn Oude Gracht 77
In European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn and cloven hooves (sometimes a goat’s beard). In the Middle Ages and Renaissance it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin. In the encyclopedias its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. In medieval and Renaissance times, the horn of the narwhal was sometimes sold as unicorn horn. (Wikipedia)

The Arms of Zoudenbalch and Lockhorst Oudegracht 99

King David. Oudegracht 105
On the Oudegracht 122 previously there was a house, named “King David”. We see king David harping for Bathseba, de wife of the Hethiet Uria. He did marshal Uria on a very dangerous place,in order to let fall him. So he could merry Bathseba. David don’t look direct to the spectator. Bathseba does not look very happy.

Knight Frese. Oudegracht 107 He lived in Cleyn Vreesenberch ( Oudegracht 111).

‘Fresenborch’ Oudegracht 111
‘Fresenborch’ is one of the oldest fortified houses in Utrecht. It is a symbol of the power of the family Frese. Lambrecht Frese always quarrelledd with Jacob van Lichtenberch, who lived at the opposite side of the street.

The Arm of George III. Oudegracht 113

The Paradise Oudegracht 119
The poet Joost van den Vondel (17the century) called Utrecht a Paradise. We see the serpent around the arm of Eve, with his fatal apple. She andAdam don’t look very happy.

Groot Blanckenburch. Oudegracht 121
In the houses Great and Little Blanckenburch there lived men who did not like each other. Their fight was diceded by the Count of Holland.

The dough-kicker Oudegracht 137
We see a small-bakery, where loafs of bread are cooked in a wood-fired oven. On the left the dough is kicked.

The predatory of a virgin Oudegracht 139
The predatory of a virgin by a Spanish officer. He kept her clandestinely in prison in a cellar of castle Vredenburg. She tries to escape, but falls in a well, together with the officer. Every evening her parents heared her cry for help, but when she came to the castle everything was silent, sais the legend.

Witch on a broom Oudegracht 151
A witch flies on a broom through the air. The moon is watching.

Vreughdenberg Oudegracht 165
A satyr on the right (with little hooters) is piping so nicely that the woman on the left falls in love with him.

The promised land Oudegracht 175
A man is looking out over the promised land.

The climbing Buck Oudegracht 179

The Basilisk. Oudegracht 211
The basilisk was a monster out of the underworld. Everyone who looked in his eyes burnt. A brave young man went into his cavern and did put a mirror in front of him. The basilisk burnt himself.

The golden Angel Oudegracht 219
She flies to the earth to trumpet the good news of the birth of the saviour.

The Swan. Oudegracht 225

The man with the raven. Oudegracht 227

In the ninth century there lived a young monk, Meinrad, in the Finsterwald near Einsiedeln. He was murdered by two robbers, who thought he possessed much mony. That pointed out to be untrue. They went to Zürich, but were followed by two raven. These raven belonged to the monk, and people did know that. They realized that the robbers had killed the monk, and executed the robbers.

The White Rose Oudegracht 243

The orphanage Oudegracht 249

The boys sit on the left, the girls on the right. One child is fed, the others are waiting.
The distributing of food takes place under the symbols of belief (the cross on the left) and of authority (the rod on the right).

The white Lily Oudegracht 251

The Pike Oudegracht 263

The Frog Oudegracht 267
Paulus Reinhard has made the pike also. Does he protest that frog and pike no longer feel at home in the cannals in Utrecht?

The acorn Oudegracht 273

The Golden Axe Oudegracht 275

The Grid (St. Laurens) Oudegracht 279

The little Scales Oudegracht 281

The Stormhat Oudegracht 293

The little Boat Oudegracht 297

The Lion-Mountain Oudegracht 303

St. Eloy Oudegracht 309
Eligius is working in a smithy. The blackmith finds himself the best blacksmith on earth. One day a horse is so wild that he is not able to shoe it. Eligius cuts the leg and shoes it. Then he attaches the leg on the body of the horse. The blacksmith dismisses Eligius. When another wild horse has to be shoed he cuts the leg, shoes it, but he is not able to attach it to the body. Then Eligius returns and attaches the leg to the body of the horse. The blacksmith recognizes he is not the best blacksmith. Eligius is the patron of the blacksmithes.

The Hope Oudegracht 313

Noach and the pigeon Oudegracht 317
Noach has sent out a pigeon. The pigeon returns because the whole earth still is covered with water. Seven days later he again sents out a pigeon. She returns with an olive branch: the water of the flood has descended.

St, Geertruy Oudegracht 321

Job Oudegracht 327
Central character of the Book of Job in the Bible.

If the cap fits you should wear it!
Oudegracht 331

The Star Oudegracht 333

Sint Maarten Oudegracht 343
Once upon a time the Roman soldier Martinus met a naked beggar. He gave him half his mantle. Martinus became the patron of France.

The old Emperor Oudegracht 351
The Emperor is deadly tired. His sceptre hides half behind the lute of the dead.

The Windmill
Oudegracht 355

The Coffin
Oudegracht 357
The dying man erects himself a last time.

