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Preparation of the Battle · 3494 dagen geleden by Ad van den Ende

Hic domus incenditur: hic milites ….
Here a hous is set in fire; here soldiers ….

… exierunt de Hestenga et venerunt ….
…(soldiers) went away from Hastings and came …

… ad prelium contra Haroldum ….
… to the fight against Harold …

Hic Willelm dux interrogat Vital ….
Here duke William interrogates Vital …

… si vidisset exercitum Haroldi:
… if he had seen the army of Harold;

Iste nuntiat Haroldum regem de exercitu Willelmi ducis:
This one informs king Harold about the army of duke William.

Hic Willelm dux alloquitur suis militibus ….
Here duke William speaks to his soldiers …

… ut preparent se viriliter ….
…. that se prepare themselves with virility …

… et sapienter ad prelium ….
… and wisdom for the fight …

… contra anglorum exercitum.
…against the army of the English …

