The Battle · Jan 2, 03:56 AM by Ad van den Ende
(The English are surrounded by the Nordemen.)
(Norman riders)
Hic ceciderunt Lewine et Gyrd ….
Here heve fallen Lewine and Gyrd….
… fratres Haroldi regis:
… brothers of king Harold.
Hic ceciderunt simul Angli et Franci in prelio:
Here have fallen both English and French in the fight;
Hic Odo eps baculum (tenens)
Here bishop Odo, (holding) a stick.
… confortat pueros: Hic est Willelm dux:
… He encourages the boys. Here is duke William.
Hic Franci pugnant ….
Here fight the French….
… et ceciderunt qui erant cum Haroldo:
… and have fallen who were with Harold.
Hic Harold rex interfectus est:
Here king Harold has been killed.
(English foot soldiers against French riders)
Et fuga verterunt Angli:
And the English ran away.

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