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Duke Harold comes to the palace of duke William · 3720 dagen geleden by Ad van den Ende

Hic dux VVilgelm cum Haroldo venit ad palatium suum
Here duke William has come with Harold to his palace;

… ubi unus clericus et Aelfgyva
where (be) a priest and Aelfgyva (the daughter of William;
she has been promised to Harold.)

Hic VVillem dux et exercitus eius
venerunt ad monte Michaelis
Here duke William and his army
have come to Mont St. Michel.

Et hic transierunt flumen Cosnonis;
And here they have crossed the river Cuesnon;
hic Harold dux trahebat eos de arena:
Here duke Harold pulled them (two soldiers) from quicksand;

Et venerunt ad Dol: et Conan …
And they have come to to Dol; and (duke) Conan…

… fuga vertit:
… turns in flight;
(They come along the town) Rennes.

Hic Milites Willelmi ducis pugnant contra Dinantes:
Here the soldiers of duke William fight against the men of Dinant.
(Duke Conan has fled to Dinant.)

Et Cunan claves porrexit:
And Cunan conveyed the keys;

Hic Willelm dedit Haroldo arma:
Here William has given weapons to Harold;
Hic Willelm venit Bagias.
Here William has come to Bayeux.

Ubi Harald sacramentum fecit Willelmi duci:
Where Harold took an solemn oath to duke William (that William should be king of England.)

