Harold on the way to Wiliam · 3720 dagen geleden by Ad van den Ende
Edward, (king of England, was childless. He sent Harold, his brother-in-law, to tell William that Edward had decided William should succeed him as king of England. William was a cousin of Edward.)
Ubi Harold, dux anglorum, et sui milites, equitant ad Bosham:
Where Harold, duke of the English, and his soldiers ride to Bosham.
The church (Here Harold prays for a safe crossing. Before the departure they take a copious meal.)
Hic Harold mare navigavit et velis vento plenis
venit in terra vvroonis comitis:
Here Harold has sailed the sea and with sails full of wind
he has come in the land of duke Guido.
(At the high sea)
Harold; hic apprehendit (vvido Harold):
Harold. Here takes (Guido Herald) in prison;
et duxit eum ad Belrem:
and he brought him to Beauraing;
Et ibi eum tenuit:
And there he kept him in prison;
Ubi Harold et Guido parabolant:
Where Harold and Guido negociate.
Ubi nuntii Willelmi ducis venerunt:
Where messengers of duke William have come;
Nuntii Willelmi
Messengers of William;
Hic venit nuntius ad Wilgelmum ducem
Here has come a messenger to duke William;
Hic VVido adduxit Haroldum ad VVilgelmum:
Here Guido has brought Harold to William;
… Normannorum ducem:
… Normannorum ducem: